Oyster Bay Bar and Grill

Overall Rating 2.5 (13 reviews)


Oyster Bay Bar and Grill Description

The Oyster Bay Bar and Grill seafood restaurant is located at the 200 Gunn St, Eastpoint FL. It serves Grill, Seafood, Pub Food, Japanese and Sushi food. Oyster Bay Bar and Grill is children friedly, sutiable for groups and has a parking lot. The avarage rating of this seafood restaurant rated by 13 reviewers is 2.5. For more deatils and orders call Oyster Bay Bar and Grill on (850) 927-3700 or visit thier website.

Oyster Bay Bar and Grill Número de teléfono

(850) 927-3700
(850) 927-3341

Oyster Bay Bar and Grill Horario de apertura

Tiempo de apertura no está disponible.


Oyster Bay Bar and Grill Ubicación

Oyster Bay Bar and Grill Instalaciones

Children FriendlyChildren Friendly
Suitable for GroupsSuitable for Groups
Full Alcohol BarFull Alcohol Bar

Oyster Bay Bar and Grill Sitio web

Sitio web

Oyster Bay Bar and Grill Cuisine

Grill , Seafood , Pub Food , Japanese , Sushi

Oyster Bay Bar and Grill Dirección

200 Gunn St
Eastpoint , Florida , 32328
United States


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