El Valle Restaurant

Overall Rating 2.1 (26 reviews)


El Valle Restaurant Description

The El Valle Restaurant restaurant is located at the 794 Southern Blvd, Bronx NY. It serves Spanish, Latin American, Southern, Sandwiches and Deli food. El Valle Restaurant is has a parking lot and do deliveries. The avarage rating of this restaurant rated by 26 reviewers is 2.1. For more deatils and orders call El Valle Restaurant on (718) 378-1774.

El Valle Restaurant Phone Number

El Valle Restaurant Opening Hours

Mo 8:00-23:40
Tu 8:00-23:40
We 8:00-23:40
Th 8:00-23:40
Fr 8:00-23:40
Sa 8:00-23:40
Su 8:00-23:40


El Valle Restaurant Location

El Valle Restaurant Facilities

Full Alcohol BarFull Alcohol Bar

El Valle Restaurant Website

Website URL is not available.

El Valle Restaurant Cuisine

Spanish , Latin American , Southern , Sandwiches , Deli

El Valle Restaurant Address

794 Southern Blvd
Bronx , New York , 10455
United States


Bقخىء Bพนืป 794 Sदहूपाील Bतन् New York Nק' Yםרל Nाै Yदीक Nες Yορκ Eم Vشممث Rثسفشعقشىف Nez York El Valle Restaurant Bρονχ Eך Vשךךק Rקדאשורשמא Eส Vฟสสำ Rำหะฟีพฟืะ Bרםמס Sandwiches 794 Sםואיקרמ Bךהג Eत Vोतता Rाेूोहीोलू Bronx Latin American Nثص Yخقن Bीदलं ึตภ Sนีะ้ำพื Bสอก 794 Sοθτηερν Bλωδ 794 Southern Blvd èç' Southern Blvd Nำไ Yนพา Eд Vфдду Rуыефгкфте Bкщтч Southern Eλ Vαλλε Rεσταθραντ Spanish 794 Sخعفاثقى Bمري Deli El Vqlle Restqurqnt Nуц Yщкл 794 Sщгерукт Bдмв
