Treasure Island Restaurant at The Boat House


Treasure Island Restaurant at The Boat House Número de teléfono

(925) 684-3500

Treasure Island Restaurant at The Boat House Horario de apertura

Tiempo de apertura no está disponible.


Treasure Island Restaurant at The Boat House Ubicación

Treasure Island Restaurant at The Boat House Instalaciones

Full Alcohol BarFull Alcohol Bar

Treasure Island Restaurant at The Boat House Sitio web

URL del sitio web no está disponible.

Treasure Island Restaurant at The Boat House Dirección

6201 Bethel Island Rd
Bethel Island , California , 94511
United States


Cqliforniq Bуеруд Iыдфтв 6201 Bετηελ Iσλανδ Rδ Tרקשדורק Iדךשמג Rקדאשורשמא שא Tיק Bםשא Hםודק Bethel Island 6201 Bाूपात Iेतोल् R् Cфдшащктшф Bקאיקך Iדךשמג Bثفاثم Iسمشىي Tкуфыгку Iыдфтв Rуыефгкфте фе Tру Bщфе Hщгыу Bำะ้ำส Iหสฟืก Cฟสรดนพืรฟ Cشمهبخقىهش 6201 Bуеруд Iыдфтв Rв Tพำฟหีพำ Iหสฟืก Rำหะฟีพฟืะ ฟะ T้ำ Bนฟะ Hนีหำ ุ/จๅ Bำะ้ำส Iหสฟืก Rก Bετηελ Iσλανδ Bethel Islqnd Treqsure Islqnd Restqurqnt qt The Boqt House Cαλιφορνια Treasure Island Restaurant at The Boat House Tीाोेहीा Iेतोल् Rाेूोहीोलू ोू Tपा Bदोू Hदहेा Tقثشسعقث Iسمشىي Rثسفشعقشىف شف Tاث Bخشف Hخعسث 6201 Bethel Island Rd -éà& Bethel Islqnd Rd 6201 Bثفاثم Iسمشىي Rي Bाूपात Iेतोल् 6201 Bקאיקך Iדךשמג Rג Cोतगिदीलगो Tρεασθρε Iσλανδ Rεσταθραντ ατ Tηε Bοατ Hοθσε Cשךןכםרמןש California
