Captain Ty's Pizza


Captain Ty's Pizza Description

The Captain Ty's Pizza pizzeria is located at the 6277 Bethel Island Rd, Bethel Island CA. It serves Pizza, Sandwiches and Subs food. Captain Ty's Pizza is has a parking lot and do deliveries. For more deatils and orders call Captain Ty's Pizza on (925) 684-2800.

Captain Ty's Pizza Phone Number

Captain Ty's Pizza Opening Hours

Opening Time is not available.


Captain Ty's Pizza Location

Captain Ty's Pizza Facilities


Captain Ty's Pizza Website

Website URL is not available.

Captain Ty's Pizza Cuisine

Pizza , Sandwiches , Subs

Captain Ty's Pizza Address

6277 Bethel Island Rd
Bethel Island , California , 94511
United States


Sandwiches Cαπταιν Tυ'σ Pιζζα Bуеруд Iыдфтв Cфдшащктшф Cqptqin Ty's Piwwq Captain Tz's Piyya 6277 Bקאיקך Iדךשמג Rג Cשךןכםרמןש Bקאיקך Iדךשמג California 6277 Bثفاثم Iسمشىي Rي 6277 Bethel Island Rd Cोजूोगल Tब'े Pगॆॆो 6277 Bуеруд Iыдфтв Rв Subs ุ/ึึ Bำะ้ำส Iหสฟืก Rก Bำะ้ำส Iหสฟืก Cोतगिदीलगो Bethel Island Bετηελ Iσλανδ Captain Ty's Pizza Cשפאשןמ Tט'ד Pןזזש Bethel Islqnd Cфзефшт Tн'ы Pшяяф 6277 Bाूपात Iेतोल् R् Cشمهبخقىهش Cqliforniq 6277 Bετηελ Iσλανδ Rδ Bثفاثم Iسمشىي Pizza -éèè Bethel Islqnd Rd Cαλιφορνια Cشحفشهى Tغ'س Pهئئش Cฟสรดนพืรฟ Cฟยะฟรื Tังห Pรผผฟ Bाूपात Iेतोल्
